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Lawan Covid-19 bersama Universitas Gunadarma Penyebaran wabah virus Corona atau Covid-19 telah berdampak pada berbagai aktifitas salah satunya aktivitas belajar. Tidak hanya di sekolah, tapi juga perguruan tinggi. Aktivitas belajar yang dilakukan mahasiswa pun harus dilakukan secara online agar dapat memutus mata rantai penyebaran Covid-19. Seperti halnya Universitas Gunadarma yang merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi terkemuka di Indonesia yang sebelumnya sudah mempunyai berbagai platform kini telah menerapkan semua aktivitas akademik secara online. Dan dalam upaya mengatasi Covid-19 Universitas Gunadarma telah memproduksi desinfektan dan hand sanitizer di bawah koordinasi program studi Farmasi yang dibantu juga oleh dosen dan mahasiswa program studi Agroteknologi UG. Sarana tersebut digunakan untuk penerapan protokol kesehatan di lingkungan kampus, serta sumbangan ke beberapa mitra eksternal. Dan j

Feature Destinasi Wisata

Memacu Adrenalin di Kota Pelajar Melakukan perjalanan yang terbilang cukup lama untuk melihat dan merasakan sesuatu hal yang baru tidak membuat kita menyerah. Ditemani cuaca yang cerah berawan menambah rasa penasaran dan semangat. Ke antusiasan muncul karena akhirnya sampai di tempat tujuan. Di sambut ramah oleh warga sekitar membuat hati terasa hangat dan kembali memutar ulang kejadian yang telah terjadi beberapa tahun lalu. Gunung Merapi merupakan salah satu gunung api paling aktif di Indonesia. Gunung ini memang terbilang berbahaya saat erupsi. Namun terlepas dari kejadian erupsi yang mengerikan tersebut, banyak hal yang dapat kita lihat, seperti sisa-sisa yang ditinggalkan oleh kehebatan erupsi gunung merapi dengan melakukan Lava Tour Merapi. Bertempat di Jl. Kaliurang, Ngipiksari, Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Rute perjalanan yang di tawarkan dalam lava tour ini adalah lokasi – lokasi yang terkena dampak dari erupsi merapi. Dima

Launching Produk

Segera PT. BlackVelvet Press Release Launching Produk Jakarta, 30 April 2020   – PT BlackVelvet   kembali mengeluarkan produk makanan terbaru berupa Permen Gummy dengan membuat bentuk yang unik dan menciptakan varian rasa yang berbeda namun tetap dapat dinikmati oleh semua konsumen di Indonesia.   Menurut Anisya Azalea, Direktur BlackVelvet,   kami meluncurkan produk dengan bentuk unik dan rasa berbeda ini untuk memperkuat produk Permen Gummy   yang sebelumnya memang selalu dengan bentuk dan varian rasa yang biasa saja, dan kini kami ciptakan bentuk dan rasa terbaru agar konsumen tidak bosan dengan produk sebelumnya. Peluncuran produk baru Permen Gummy tersebut akan dilakukan pada Minggu, 3 Mei 2020 yang bertempat di Mall Grand Indonesia. Kami juga   mengadakan berbagai kuis berhadiah uang jutaan rupiah, serta merchandise dari Permen Gummy dengan syarat yang ditentukan dari perusahaan kami, ditambah dengan pembagian sample Permen Gummy kepada para konsumen dan pelanggan

Famous myth in Indonesia

Bogor Botanical Garden is a tourism place in the Bogor. Not far from the Botanical Garden there is one of the presidential palaces. Besides the presidential palace, in the Botanical Garden there is also a very famous flower, the carcass flower. Not only that the Botanical Garden also has several famous myths in the community, namely The Red Bridge and Mate Trees . The first one I will discuss about The Red Bridge. It is said that this Red Bridge can make a couple become break up because to passing the bridge. Therefore for lovers who believe in the myth do not dare to pass it. There have been many stories of lovers who finally parted ways after passing through the red painted bridge located above this Ciliwung River. So if you visit the Bogor Botanical Garden, especially at the Red Bridge this is not recommended with your partner. Inversely proportional to the Red Bridge that can make the relationship end, a pair of large trees in the Botanical Garden brings a very go

Folk Song

This time i will discuss about Indonesian folk songs. Here I will discuss the song Pileuleuyan . The following song lyrics and an explanation of the song Pileuleuyan . Pileuleuyan Hayu batur hayu batur urang kumpul sarerea Hayu batur hayu batur urang sosonoan heula Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan sapu nyere pegat simpay Pileuleuyan pileuleuyan paturay patepang deui Amit mundur amit mundur amit ka jalma nu rea Amit mundur amit mundur da kuring arek ngumbara Pileuleuyan song is a Sundanese language song. This song is one of the songs originating from West Java. This song was created by Mus K. Wirya and sung by Lilis Suryani. Pileuleuyan song has many meanings, namely farewell to meet again. Some say that the meaning of the song Pileuleuyan is someone who is always miss. According to the sundanese people Pileuleuyan is indeed unpleasant because parting is very painful. Another meaning of the song Pileuleuyan is that separation is sometimes also the beginning of a person’s caree

Traditional Clothing for West Kalimantan

Indonesia is an extraordinary island nation. The islands that spread from Sabang to Merauke gave birth to a rich and diverse culture. Cultural manifestations such as regional dances, folk songs, traditional house to traditional clothes. For traditional clothing, Indonesia has a variety of cool and unique fashion styles. One fashion style that is quite unique is traditional clothing from West Kalimantan. The uniqueness of traditional West Kalimantan clothing lies in the material made of Ampuro or Kapuo leather. These two these are known for their very high fiber content. How to make it by hitting it in the water then drying and decorating it for use. Another uniqueness is a complement to traditional clothing worn by clothes, namely Enggang feathers. This bird it self is a typical Borneo animal and is already rare. West Kalimantan traditional clothing between women and men is different. Men’s traditional clothes are known as King Baba . In Dayak language, King mean


                            Ketoprak is one type of Indonesian food that uses ketupat (lontong). Ketoprak is a food that is very popular especially for the people of Indonesia. Usually ketoprak is sold using a cart driven by the seller or we can find it on the roadside. We can find traders ketoprak in the morning or evening. The main ingredients for making ketoprak are tofu, vermicelli, cucumber, bean sprouts and can also use boiled eggs or omelet. Do not forget to be equipped with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and sprinkled of fried onions. Besides that we can also add chili according to taste. Can also be served with additional crackers and emping. Some versions include tempe as a component. Ketoprak is not much different from Pecel and Gado-gado, but the difference is the material used. As we know pecel and gado-gado are made from vegetables while ketoprak is lontong. One of the unique things about ketoprak is the shape of the cart shaped like a boat, besides the soun