Traditional Clothing for West Kalimantan

Indonesia is an extraordinary island nation. The islands that spread from Sabang to Merauke gave birth to a rich and diverse culture. Cultural manifestations such as regional dances, folk songs, traditional house to traditional clothes. For traditional clothing, Indonesia has a variety of cool and unique fashion styles. One fashion style that is quite unique is traditional clothing from West Kalimantan.
The uniqueness of traditional West Kalimantan clothing lies in the material made of Ampuro or Kapuo leather. These two these are known for their very high fiber content. How to make it by hitting it in the water then drying and decorating it for use. Another uniqueness is a complement to traditional clothing worn by clothes, namely Enggang feathers. This bird it self is a typical Borneo animal and is already rare.
West Kalimantan traditional clothing between women and men is different. Men’s traditional clothes are known as King Baba. In Dayak language, King means clothes while Baba has male meanings. King Baba was a garment like a vest made from kapuo bark. Usually men complete their appearance by using headgear with Enggang feathers, knee-high pants to a cloth wrapped around the waist like a belt.
While traditional clothes for women are known as King Bibinge. King Bibinge uses the same basic ingredients, namely kapou bark. Even though the method of use and material are the same, traditional clothes for women look more polite with clothes covering the chest. To maximize appearance, women usually complete it with stagen (a kind of corset in the form of a long cloth wrapped around the abdomen), subordinate cloth, and various knick-knacks such as beads, enggang feathers to necklaces and bracelets. Both types of clothing are always worn well when undergoing daily activities such as hunting, farming, or during traditional ceremonies. Both of these clothes are still used mainly by the Kubu Dayak ethnic who still live in the interior and survive nomadically.

So many explanations about traditional clothing from West Kalimantan. Thank you J


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